Being Mojang Kota Sukabumi 2013

8:55:00 AM

Jadi postingan ini udah masuk draft dari 2 tahun yang lalu, sebelum kemudian datanya hilang semua. Termasuk foto-foto kegiatan selanjutnya which is Mojang Jajaka Jawa Barat.

Dari pada ngga di post yah..biar terlambat (banget!) asal selamat kan? :p


September, 13th 2013

Its been two years i keep the desire to join this before i finally registered my self for Mojang Jajaka Sukabumi. What makes me always stuck was..parents permission. They have they're own thought of course, but i know a lil. Since my father works in governmental department in or lose, they will talk about me. And my parents didn't want it to happen. Another reason was...he's afraid to see me lose. 

So after a long journey, my father finally said yes. Yay !

But i know the very right thing to do. I keep it in secret. I told no one except some of the closest friend. I put my mother's name on registration foam, i simply just..keep in only within me. 

After passing administrative selection, i need to do some quarantine for 4-5 days. But since we're in the middle of house moving and suddenly i was called to Jakarta for some administrative things, i didn't really into that quarantine. I missed a lot of class, but Alhamdulillah the committee allowed me to keep on joining that.

You can call me arrogant, but from the moment i join it.. i know im gonna win. I've been learning about Sukabumi ever since i ask my parent permission, i learn how to sing, how to play violin, im quite good in english, i join some of local community, i have a straight vision and short. I was fully prepared. 

On final days, we had to delivered a speech talking about one of Sukabumi potential uniqueness and talking about why they have to choose us. I forgot the complete text. But i did my research about Wayang Sukuraga until i went to the 'Dalang', bapak Fendi, the night before. Nothing like what others did (I said this because i know, some of them even mistaken the sources !). 

On my speech i told them about my activities which is a lot during my free day. And i remember the very last line i said..

"Im a proud fresh graduate from STAN. Im standing here to prove you that STAN isn't belong to Gayus. STAN have me, i'm here to show you everything's wrong that they told about my college in media"

Perhaps it sound But i dont care, its the very huge mission i was carried when i join it. Like, thats the very least thing i could do to spread good thing about my college. 

And i hear them clapping..even the judges smile and salute me. I know i was already won it. No matter with or without the sash.

Here's is the picture taken that day.

Bapak Fendi, Dalang Wayang Sukuraga

With iket Sunda Commnity

Indra, my partner
Me and Jemmy

As you can see above...I WIN !

I never felt more proud and satisfies of my self than that day. I made it my self ! I made it to prove them wrong. know im not that typical pageant girl. I win it selling whats inside of me, not either way.

I have no one to watch except my sisters, my parents didn't even came hehehe
But it turns out some of local community member which i joined was come without me knowing it. I only know it when they asked me for some photos. If i said some lies about my activities..eeerrr, perhaps they'll wooo me loudest! Major suprise that Bapak Fendi came and said thank you for introducing his wayang to audience. Happy !

Another happiness strike me as i know that i was the first winner who wear a veil and will go to Jabar with it. Proud ! Im a happy door opener ! :))

I went home around midnight, driving alone in kebaya and crown. When my father saw me, he congratulate me and i know i got his support to join the bigger one..Mojang Jajaka Jawa Barat. Perhaps i'll tell you later about that when i could get the photos. :)

Friends and family congratulate me after the news spread. Mostly saying "Selamat ya ! Kok ngga bilang-bilang sih?" ehehehe 

Having a new title dont really affect me much, i mean i didn't change to someone im not. (Believe me some people saying this, mostly after i broke up. Oh pleaseee!) Im still the old Raisha with some new improvement, in a good way.

So after three years..i realized this is something i called, a turning point. 
I used to shy and working under the radar, now that im..well, a bit braver to take the chance. It help me to understand my self, really.

Around June or July if you interested...come to Dinas Pariwisata in your city. Registering your self and be prepare to have a moment of your life !

*salam moka*

P.S. Postingan ini sudah diedit demi menghargai rekan-rekan yang saat ini sudah memutuskan berhijab. Terima kasih :)

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