Iedul Fitri :)
3:57:00 PM
August, 8th 2013
Here comes the holy day !
As always, we spent our Takbiran at a hotel somewhere in Pelabuan Ratu due to my father's duty. Its becoming a habit now so none of us say "Yaaah" except Odew. Haha He still want it at home, so he could play with his friend. By that reason, he choosed to stay with our aunty than join us at Pelabuan Ratu. That year, we let him.
This year, we stay at Augusta Hotel and did salat ied at Mesjid Agung Pelabuan Ratu. After that we went to Bupati's house for some Open House. When everything seems a bit bored, what a girl would most likely do?

Guess what? I succeed pouring Kari Ayam at my dress. Nice Job Raisha. Its lucky that it turn out to be easuly cleaned. haha
Took another photo at our hotel backyard. So happy that i could took my parents picture. Yay !
I love Iedul Fitri since so many people using white, my fav colors. I love it also because i could say my apologize to parents, brother and sisters, families and knowing that they forgive us. I love it cause it gather us..many family from a far came, many old friend appear.
Hope everything's good happen again this Ied, Amiiiin :)