
(3) Clarke Quay

9:27:00 PM

October, 15th 2012

This is the last place we visited in this trip in Singapore. Its clarke Quay, a very beautiful river side. We were actually chose this place randomly. We only have several hour before our bus to Malaysia came and we got no where to go. At first we're going to stay in the bus and see the view of Singapore afternoon from it. But all hail Harvin, we ended up in this place. Yay !

love at the first sigh with this building

Clarke Quay - Singapore

As you see above, the place is beautiful yet calming in a strange way. Yes, we did sat in the riverside and do nothing but enjoying the moment. Everything feels perfect, the weather, the not-so-crowded people, the water, everything. I guess being the last to visit makes us feel a lil bit melancholy. 

I thought the afternoon was the best, but wait. After sunset, everything turn more beautiful. So romatic. So adorable. So miss-able.

Around 7 pm we left this place and get ready for the night bus. It turns out that the bus took place at the same place where we change our clothes in our first day here. 

ducker bus

After dinner and after some message chair, we sat comfortably in the bus and let the bus took us away from Singapore. Well..thank you for the memories, Temasek. Its a very great two days. Hope someday i could visit you again. Amin :')


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