Dimi's wedding
1:48:00 PM
May, 12th 2012
Today, my bestfriend slash brother slash my full time mentor, Dimas Haribowo, was (finally) married. Unni Risye, the lucky girl is from Padang. So yes, the wedding party was arrange in Padang way. So much love from a culture lover like me. ehehehe
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Pejuang Sukaraja, me dimas and a opik before akad |
I went there with a help of A opik and thank God we're arrived just before akad nikah started. It feels so warm when i met Dimi's family. We never met before but they surprisingly know me and i know them. And in that moment, i feel like..welcomed. A nice family, now i know why Dimi have that trait. :)
So we took some picture of the last time Dimi being single and tempting Dimi since he looks so distracted. He cant even answer a simple math question like "17+18?" HAHAHAHA
I've watched akad nikah from time to time, but i never..never not feeling touched. It really is a sacred ceremony. You made a promise, a huge promise to God. You promised to stay, to love, to cherish each other for the rest of your life. You took someone's daughter or son. You make your own family.
And the first kiss..not a kind like what you see in Hollywood movie "Now you may kiss the bride", it kind of..i dont know how to say it but the moment the bride kiss the groom's hand or the moment the groom kiss the bride's forehead. I saw..love, i saw tenderness, i saw...something that makes me want to cry. It always happen, in Ka Asti's wedding, in Ka Sendy's wedding, and of course in this Dimi's wedding too. Oh God, when will my time come?

Have i said how much i love Unni's wedding dress?
Oh well..i love it sooooooooooo much ! >__<
Its white, it long, it sooo..beautiful. And Unni looked so pretty in that dress. :)
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such a oh-so-sweet-highschool-friend :) |
They held their wedding in Gedung Mahkamah Konstutusi Bekasi and their akad nikah in the mosque inside of that complex. Such a lovely place, A opik even considered this place for his upcoming wedding.
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Dimi's Wedding- Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi Bekasi |
Since i came before any other guest..i could take some picture in a still-quite hall. Oh its so beautiful! The building fit the decoration so much. Its my first time attending Padang's wedding so..i really took attention even to small detail.
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with the groom :) |
And im amazed. This wedding is awesome. I love the food, the dance, the dress, the souvenir, the non-crowded hall..ah, they really know how to throw a party. This is, the best wedding party i've ever attended !
I met some of Dimi and Unni Risye friends, Kak Syahadenita, Kak Henry, Ka Bombom, and some other that i forgot the name, ooh they are extremly friendly. I even got a ride to my dorm, thanks to Ka Bombom. And to my surprise, some of them know me. Well well Dimi. Hope you told them a good story about me :p
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Sukabumi-ers ! Yaay >_< |
I envy you Dimi and Unni Risye..you both look so happy. Ehm..so here's my prayer for the newly wed. I wish you always find happiness in every situation, i wish you could fall in love over and over again everyday, i wish you serenity in life, and i wish you have a cute baby soon ! hehehe
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lovely wedding souvenir |
Super thanks for the souvenir. I love it !
Now i know why Dimi kept some doll in his car. Unni, we have something in common. Hope we could be a very very very good friend ! hehehe :D
Once again, Happy Wedding Dimi and Unni Risye !!! >__<