March 3rd 2012
Night Time in Jogjakarta ! Today we went to Taman Pelangi. It located in Monumen Jogja Kembali (Monjali). Its open from 5 pm til 10 pm, or 11 pm in the weekend. The ticket costs Rp15.000 each person.
Taman Pelangi |
Monumen Jogja Kembali it self is a historical museum about the struggle for Independence of Indonesia. I cant tell about anything else cause i never been there. The museum is closed when i went there :(
And Taman Pelangi is a museum yard which is used as a lanterns/lampion park. There're so many lampion there, in a various form. From flowers, animals, love, borobudur, til cartoon character.
Me touching the top of Borobudur ! haha |
Unfortunately, Demi and Icha couldn't join us. So its only me, Hesna, Puput, Agung and Adi. Aji and zulfa was come after.
Another unfortunalety it was raining that night. We couldn't go anywhere because we're lack of umbrella. Let say we're stuck in the food court, and standing-no seat available anymore. Even it was blackout for several time. I was sad, cause i though tonight will ended like this. But thank God, the rain stopped, and we could have fun! hehehe
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Bumper Boat - Taman Pelangi |
After wandering around and took some picture, we went to the pool and tried what they called Bumper Boat. it only costs Rp10.000 !
I was with Puput. We talked so much, heart-to-heart time. What makes tonight different is, we did it on boat! hehe
She is always be my bestfriend, the one who could listen with no judging. I told her everything confusing and she told hers. Oh how life bless me to have her.
Aaaaaand, i tried Euro Bungee. Another my first time, and i like it :*
Kinda dizzy afterward~
After Aji and Zulfa came, we're taking so much picture again. Here's some..hehe
Taman Pelangi - Jogjakarta |
rattan vespa |
cover album look like :p |
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Jogja Never Ending Asia |
No Dinner for us, my stomach was full still. You guys know what i ate right ? hehe
Me and Hesna sleep at Puput's dorm. And i..ate a jar of stick balado while i shared puput some stories. Oke okee, diet can wait -____-
It was nice to finally make it, sleeping in puput's place. I miss her so much, i miss the time we used to spend together. And tonight we did another heart-to-heart talk, plus some gossip, and jokes. I dont wanna sleep, i want more time with her. Ah if only i could.
Hey Puput.
I miss you now. T_T