Late new year
9:51:00 PM
This is the lazy blogger problem, i want to share so many stories but too lazy to write. So when i do, its way too late. Like now. I'd like to share how i spend my new years eve in 21th of January.
Nothing special actually, i just spent it at home. With family. Nothing more warm than this right? haha
We had plan to go out, but when my brother saw Transformer on TV, we're officially spent it at home, like my father wishes. Ah ya, he spent his New year eve at Pelabuhan ratu beach to control things. He told me after he's home about that night. God, how could people be that crafty. Those money from retribution gate should be for region acceptance, but they simply take it home. He'll find away so next year, it wont happen again. I believe him.
Oke, so its a family night. We prepared things for my brother proposal, we ate spaghetti together (i made it ! haha ), we watched movies and finally, fireworks !!

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Better late than never right? ahahaha