Girls Night Out
9:41:00 AM16 Desember 2011
Yaaaay, Raihaners goes to PIM !
I've heard before that for Christmas, Pondok Indah is having some snow. First i entered this mall, i see this ice skating rink. Not bad :p
After eating and accidentally meet a friend, we start shopping ! Oh well, for me, window shopping. haha
Good thing about December, Discount everywhere !
Ah, why didn't i find something to buy? T__T
I need a shoe and i've got the money. But, at the very end, i didn't find one. Looking for come clothes, still not found what i'm looking for. When finally found, the price is out of my league. rrggghhhtt !
After we found what's make us go to PIM tonight, we went to beard papa's.
Thank God there's a chair, walking for hour with a 9 cm wedges is hurt. Mmmh, the puff it self is delicious. I try the cappuccino puff and the cool cream surprise me.
Me and Uma |
Stop by at Quickly and take a fun walk when we're searching for ATM. Girls, im just tired of laughing..haha
And when we're going to go home, its kind a hard to find the taxi. We have to wait for hours, from one place to another. Just imagine how i feel with this wedges. :(
Self note : bring sandal in case wedges or heel start to kill.
P.S. Postingan ini sudah diedit demi menghargai rekan-rekan yang saat ini sudah memutuskan berhijab. Terima kasih :)